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Sela Blue 

Life in Every Hue


Meet Sela and her sisters. There is always adventure in Chateauguay.


Sela Blue and the First Day of School - Available for Order

Sela Blue and the Magic Ticket - Available for Order


Meet the Author

Alisia Dale – the girl who is Sela Blue.


Alisia Dale was born in Montreal, Quebec.  She and her two sisters, Delia and Deidre, moved to Chateauguay, an off-island suburb of Montreal when she was three. She was called Dale, here middle name and so the Grenville girls were known as the “three Ds”. Ring a bell? The Blue sisters’ names all start with the letter ‘s’.  Alisia Dale and her family lived on Wagner Street until she was fourteen, when her parents moved to Toronto, Ontario.


Alisia Dale grew up surrounded by music as her parents loved to play Calypso which reminded them of Guyana, South America and gave them the opportunity to share with their girls their Caribbean heritage.  They also were introduced to Motown and soul music as well as contemporary rock and classical masterpieces at very young ages. So, living in the musical village where all the streets were named after classical musical composers, was just a musical bonus.  Alisia Dale and her sisters could easily name all the classical composers even before they could play their pieces on the piano. 


Alisia Dale went to Mary Gardner Elementary School and then to Trafalgar School for Girls when she still lived in Chateauguay. In Ontario, she completed her undergraduate degree in French and Italian literature and translation at Queen’s University and also studied at the Università di Siena per Stanieri in Siena, Italy and completed her law degree at the University of Sussex, in Falmer, England.


Alisia Dale first had the idea for the Sela Blue series when her twin boys were born in Frankfurt, Germany and she would have to take them to London, England to buy English books. She was inspired to write the series because of her own children: there was little on the shelves that was both inspirational and authentic. She wanted to change that.   


The protagonist of the series focuses on the loveable character Sela Blue, a six-year-old girl who, along with her family and friends, have adventures set in the musical village of Châteauguay. Sela Blue and the First Day of School was published in 2016.  Alisia Dale’s next release is Sela Blue and the Magic Ticket.

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